Thursday, April 23, 2015

GIS I Lab 5

The main goal of lab five is to enable myself to appropriately choose and apply various vector geoprocessing tools encountered in lectures and Price tutorials to determine suitable habitats for bears in the study area of Marquette County, Michigan. In addition to my lab I was introduced to the ArcGIS python window and explored its functionalities in running geoprocessing operations by writing scripts.
            In part one of the lab I examined an attribute table that is based on GPS locations of black bears in Michigan and with that data I need to determine the forest types where blacks bears are found in central Marquette County. To determine the results I applied the intersecting geoprocessing tool, which ultimately combined the black bear location data and land cover data. As a result from the exercise I was able to determine that the number one forest type with black bears present is mix forest land. Next I determined black bears occurrence within a ten-mile proximity of streams in Marquette County. First I used the geoprocessing tool called buffer, which allows us to identify areas or features that fall within a certain distance of applied feature(s). After applying the buffer tool I dissolved the streams buffer, which combines the entire streams buffer into one by eliminating lines within the buffer making it more neat and organized. Once the buffer and dissolve process is complete, the black bear location shapefile is intersected with the stream buffer, dissolve shapefile. I found from the results of this data that 73% of the bears are located with a ten-mile buffer from a stream. My last task of part one was to include the DNR management areas in the study area of Marquette County. When first adding the DNR management areas I noticed that I needed to use the dissolve tool to eliminate lines within the boundaries of their designated areas. My next step was to then intersect the DNR management areas and study area, so I could remove DNR areas that didn’t apply to the study area. After implementing basic geoprocessing operations and creating a cartographically pleasing map in part one it was then time to move on to part two.
            Part two involved python scripting, which is first introduced to me to help prepare myself for advanced GIS courses. Objective one involved finding suitable areas for the development of tourist resorts in Wisconsin. The shapefiles used in part two are Wisconsin cities, interstates, lakes, and counties. To perform the first objective I opened the python window and began scripting for the first time. The first scripted line is import arcpy. My next line requires a buffer analysis on Wisconsin cities and dissolving the ten-mile buffer. My next task is to perform is the geoprocessing operation called clipping, so in my python window I do a clip analysis on lakes that are greater than five square miles within the ten-mile buffer of the cities. After completing the python scripting I have my results and can now determine where to develop a tourist resort. The second objective is to model air pollution impact zones along interstates in Wisconsin. Performing this analysis requires the use of the python window where I apply a multiple ring buffer to the interstates on mile one, two, three, four, five, and six. The closest buffer to the interstate is the most hazardous meaning very high air pollution and at the six-mile buffer there is a low amount of air pollution. Once both objectives in part two were complete I designed two pleasing, organized maps that can be analyzed easily by a viewers.

            The completion of lab five helped me appropriately apply numerous vector geoprocessing operations in python scripting to real life scenarios and benefited me by making fast as well as easy analysis on the projected data.

Friday, April 3, 2015

GIS 1 Lab 4

Lab 4

                  The main goal of this lab is to excise and develop my skills in composing as well as implementing query expressions to extract components of data from a database. This lab is intended to assess my understanding of attribute and spatial queries.
                  My first task in lab four, part one was to construct a multiple criteria query for the United States county shapefile. The query involved retrieving counties with a population between 3,000 and 4,000 people in 2010 and also including all counties in 2010 that had a population density of at least 1,000 persons per square mile. There was a total of a 194 counties, which included 32 states that met the criteria. Next I wrote a multiple criteria query that returned records for counties located in Wisconsin, Texas, Minnesota, New York, and California. The query I developed would include a greater male population than female and the number of seniors age 65 and above over 6,500. 46 counties within the five states were returned from the results and Texas had the highest number of counties at 15. The next exercise involved modifying the query above by adding all the other seniors age 65 and above in Washington, Maryland, Illinois, Nebraska, District of Columbia, and Michigan who resided in counties that have more than 30,000 housing units. 128 counties fulfilled the new query.
                  Part two of lab four was the most challenging and interesting project, which included a Wisconsin database. My first task is to develop a query that will return cities in Wisconsin with a 2007 population between 15,000 and 20,000 people, an area of the city that is at least five square miles in land area, the female population is greater than males, and also the cities are within two miles of a lake. Before performing the multiple criteria query I joined the lakes attribute table to the Wisconsin cities attribute table because that is the information I would need to help me determine which cities on the shapefile are located within two miles of a lake. After using the joining process I was now able to successfully project my data and get accurate results. There was total of eight cities that met this query’s criteria. My final task for part two is to create another multiple criteria query that will calculate the total length of 13 Wisconsin rivers. The distance of the rivers came to be around 700 miles.

                  Being able to create multiple criteria queries is an extremely important skill for retrieving GIS attribute data. Even though it takes time to learn the SQL language it is unique and fascinating to see how data can be returned to the user so quickly. This process makes analyzing, manipulating, and organizing data extremely easy as well as fast.

United States Question 1

United States Question 3

Wisconsin Cities

Wisconsin Rivers